What are the consequences of negative stress & Burn-out in your company or organisation?
Seeing how colleagues fall out because of chronic stress and burnout is a delicate situation for the organisation. Stress and burnout are mainly caused by a combination of how the employee thinks and factors within the organisation. The fact that employees and managers do not know how to deal with this is not so uncommon.
But for everything exists a solution!
What is important is that nobody is to blame. If both parties can recognise that different approaches can work better, space is created to investigate how to solve the current situation.
If you want to discuss the topic within your team, be it trough an informative session or a participative workshop, let me know.
During a first meeting we can agree, based upon the needs of your company, what the best possible approach would be, based on your expectations.
Frequently returning topics in companies are:
What is stress? What are the consequences for body and mind?
How do we manage stress? What are my energy givers and energy takers?
What is burn-out and how do I prevent it, as an employee and as the employer?
How can I, as a colleague, deal with stress and burn-out in my team?
How can I welcome a colleague who comes back to work after a burn-out?
How can we positively influence this re-integration in the best possible way?
What is my contribution as a colleague/manager to prevent someone relapses?
If you want to invest in your employees,
who because of circumstances internal and external to the work environment have fallen into burnout, you can do so by offering them an individual coaching path.
Experience and research show that people indeed go back to work with pleasure and are productive again after managing their burnout through stress and burnout coaching.
After an initial meeting with you as the manager and the concerned colleague, we can decide whether an individual coaching program can offer a solution.
Feel free to ask any question